Friday, November 12, 2010

Apples and Pears Oh My

This is was a learning experience par excellence. The colors are bright and I learned to make the most of brush strokes. My shadow color is cerulean blue and cad orange with white. The shadow strikes at first were too blue and had to go back and lighten them. It was very patriotic at first. Then the bright part of the stripes were ochre and white. It is a creamy glowing color. The red stripes were alizarin and cad orange and cad red in the shadows and then just cad orange and cad red in the light areas. The apples got a treatment of alizarin and cad red in the shadows with orange and ochre and yellow in the lighter areas. The green was cerulean blue and lemon yellow and white and Margee showed us a fun thing in how to paint reflections. Making a soft blue ish grey we painted those in the for the white stripes on the apples and a alizarin and ultramarine blue for the red stripe reflections. I over thought it and thought my eyes were tricking me but maanged to get them in. My pear hasn't got much attention yet.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My dwarf and my crystal ball

Yesterday was a good day. My crystal ball in my still life was fun although still at this point unfinished and needing a little pop. I have gotten the background to the leave it alone point and I hope to get the brass pedestal to the same point.  My little dwarf is coming along but slowly since I have been focusing on the fine points of still life work. Tonight I get to do something  I have never done before. Painting as worship....