Friday, December 30, 2011

here is where I would stake a claim and never look back. A log cabin in Montana and luscious scenery crying to be immortalized.

The Gentlemen's Club

Good friends having a good time with no interfering females to tell them to use an ashtray. The Gentleman's club came to me after a dinner party that didn't go so well. Guests sometimes don't act as guests.
Finally I feel she is completed. Medea before she was embittered by life but on the threshold  with all of life ahead of her. But even in her eyes is a hint that all may not be as she wants it to be.

Monday, December 19, 2011

This is a favorite place of mine. I love the desert and go there every chance I get. Someday I will live in the desert in an adobe house with my easel at ready to capture the changing face and beauty of this misunderstood landscape.
This drawing came out in a doodle session at church. I just went where it lead and it led me to this mysterious broken arch and bridge. Where is it? What was its purpose? What great battle occurred? Or was it merely the victim of time and no one now lives who knows it purpose?
So i did a little tweaking. never really satisfied with the color in this painting so brightened the palette a bit and finished it up

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull the chief of the Sioux has always been one who captured my imagination and my admiration. He is and was a truly heroic figure trying to hold on to a way of life that was vanishing before his eyes. Those who actually knew him said of him he was a true gentleman, who was good humored and kind.