Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day VI My books are coming along!

Wow. I love painting books. I never really liked still life pieces before but now I have a new appreciation for them.  The thing is there is something fascinating about capturing the light and shadows of a piece. To learn that red is greyed by green  and that the darkest color is helped by the brightest not necessarily the lightest color.  It is all very exciting.
Today we worked n our book part of the still life and toward the very end we worked on the paint brushes. It was a productive day all in all. Things are starting to read 'true' now. I learned that stepping back from the piece and looking is a invaluable tool. Not to keep working and working until the 'forest for the tress' syndrome kicks in and the focus and aim of a piece is lost sight of. One of my favorite quotes is this,
' a painting is never really finished-it merely stops in interesting places'-- Paul Gardner.

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