Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day VII The Vase

The day came when we were onto the vase and the tube/tubes in the foreground.
The vase was a slippery thing to catch and I finally achieved partial success. The painting of wet on wet is harder than in acrylic because the oil stays wet and slides around. Acrylic tends to in the main stay where I put it.
To create the middle shadows of the thing we used cad-orange, cerulean blue and white. makes a soft gentle grey blue that is very pretty.
To darken this we added a ultramarine blue and this went in the left shadow(see picture at left).
the tube shadows got alizarin and cad orange a nd touch of light blue. White, but not a lot. Have to remember that white will dull not brighten. Then we used pure cad-orange and white to bring up a suggestion of details in the tube.

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