Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is a shivery sort of piece. I continued with the layering in of color and tried to keep a sense of 'Harry Potter' brightness about it. The Raven is pulled from a painting  I have done and I made him 'real'. My background is a bit muddy yet but hope to solve that problem on Teusday. My hat is as I see it all satin and elegant. The darks are alizarin and french ultramarine and the lighter tone is alizarin with cad orange and touch of french ultramarine and white.  Just a touch of white to lighten. To give one more layer I used cad orange and alizarin and a touch of cad red hue. with a tiny bit of white. I sort of drug that here and there. The candle strick is a bit of this and that layered and blocked with the flat of the brush to give a sense of reflection. most likely I will go back and knock down the brightness of the bottom book and shade the pages a bit more.

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