Saturday, September 24, 2011

This is going to be a fun painting. It is that time of year with the swirl of fall and the hint of the otherworld in the air.  This a is time for remembering our year of work and challenges and for remembering our loved ones. So I assembled the elements from things I had at home. The hat was given me by my son who always thought his mom a bit magical. The books are favorites that  were bought from a small shop in Virginia called the Daedelus. The drape, a piece of crazy quilting I had started from remnants of kids clothes, and the candlestick part of a set given me by my favorite aunt. And the Raven, my own work from a photo taken on the best trip I had ever taken with my husband which is saying something because they are always great. The underpainting I an developing completely as possible since I want this to be a slowly built layered construct. Kathryn thinks it is a shame we coverour lovely warm siena underpaintings and I agree!

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